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Teskilat English Subtitles

An attack is carried out on the headquarters of UAVs and UCAVs, which are legendary in cross-border operations. In the attack, engineers who ensure the security of the country are killed and important information in the center is stolen. It is decided to establish a team to fight more effectively against the dark structure that organized the attack, and this task is given to Mete Bey, one of the most senior members of the organization.

The country’s most successful intelligence officers, each an expert in their field, are selected for this team, which will carry out many secret operations and prevent treacherous traps that will be set with stolen information. However, there is a very important condition for them to accept the mission: They must agree to die! They will all officially die and funeral ceremonies will be held! No one, including their closest ones, will know what they are going through. Everyone who accepts this very important duty for the country; For their families and those who knew them, they will now be dead…